
Thursday, 4 December 2014

Land Rover Haldex module on Sales

Land Rover Freelander 2 rear diff module on sales,
contact me at

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

BMW ISTA/P 94030 Setpoint context determination Failed

Some time you trying to program or update BMW software but failed and you encounter is due to '94030 Setpoint context determination Failed' you might wondering what is that? to make your life more easy at here we will explain why this message prompt during your programming. 

'94030' prompt is because your ISTA/P version are lower then the vehicle you are trying to flash, Simple? you might ask why this happen? the cause is they are using offline version in another word 'pirate', for online version will never encounter above issue which constantly access to BMW server. 

Skype : Badass

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Sneak view with Lamborghini Aventador wiring diagram software

Click to enlarge image

Click to enlarge image
Click to enlarge image
A very useful software, wiring diagram for Lamborghini Aventador.

User are require to run 'Slpviewer.bat' before log into this software, this software using browser to present their info. the logging address is 'http://localhost:8087/slpviewer". from the logging address you might notice '8087', Yes it is using port 8087 if your computer port 8087 is unavailable then your installation will  fail.

Software contain ecu location, pin out and schemetic, sound simple but look at the menu at the side bar (2nd pic) vast information are available.
Skype : Badass

Sunday, 4 May 2014

DIY : Bentley key battery change

This is my 1st video on youtube, enjoy. 

1. Pry from side
2. drag to the end
Forgot to shoot the batter.... anyway is it a very easy procedure. 


1) 从侧边撬开
錄像片段比较明確。。。。 :P

Friday, 2 May 2014

Porsche carrera 997 DTC P2187 & P2189

Customer send his 997 due to "engine check light" pop up on speedometer, according the driver said it happened every few month and it's happened when it is at high RPM while cruising on express way. 

Sunday, 20 April 2014


Some of the vehicle list in ISCAN II.

This diagnostic tool is one grade higher then VeDIS II, as i know it is almost the same, the only different is this tool can perform BMW programming/coding for E series. of cause this tool will added more activation feature then VeDIS II, to target different market.

I-Scan II WT work as fast as VeDIS II, this product is the most fastest among of the after market tools.
It is very useful on BMW, TOYOTA but weak on Mercedes and PSA cars, vehicle diagnostic software varieties is not many as some China's diagnostic tool.

Product come with one year free software update, I have to high light that your local dealer might not provide update service for you, you need to learn the updating procedure,
For my area dealer didn't provide update service, we need to pay for their update service sound okay but once you know how much they sell, you might agree with me "they should provide this service for free".

Their price tag are very pricey you probably need to pay 4 times higher compare to China's diagnostic tool. Another comparison, you need to pay about 2/3 of Autologic (Per brand).

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

BMW ETK introduction

Main Page
Select car model or key in VIN

Monday, 24 March 2014

Cayenne 4 wheel drive system faulty, DTC 2042

Porsche Cayenne <2008 model, showing "Four wheel drive system faulty" obviously it's having transfer case faulty, further check with PIWIS 2 encounter activation of servo motor having open circuit issue, this lead inform us servo motor has down.  

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Mercedes manual service reset - part 2

This is second part of the manual reset, if you encounter this model of steering wheel (refer to above picture), then below are the manual service reset procedure.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Lamborghini, Audi Bluetooth antenna / aeriel 8P0035503M

If you couldn't connect your blue tooth for your Audi or Lamborghini then your car might suffering Bluetooth antenna failure, check it out the picture above a green colour stick connect to OEM radio ecu that is how the antenna look like. ( Part number 8P0035503M )

Friday, 7 March 2014

Mercedes manual service reset - Part 1

If you own Mercedes with this kind of steering wheel and would like to do manual service reset and below is the step by step instruction to go through the process. Enjoy.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

BMW E89 replace EPS, fault code D507

Customer came, complaining no power steering and speedometer have error message. after diagnose found fault code

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Mercedes Acoustic lock feedback

Not every Mercedes install this feature you might wondering what is this and this WDD216 has it. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

Workshop Management System

This is first time i hold this kind of project about workshop & fleet management system.

It does consist input job order, hour of workmanship, work progressing, CRM, sound easy but  a lot of trivia have to pay attention and keep monitoring the entire system to ensure it work smoothly, implementation is one of the challenge, i have to change my colleague work behaviour, train then to familiar with this ERP system.

So far this management tool still on develop to achieve optimize. improvement still requiring :)

Fleet with car plate and status for SA can drill into individual work order and check on job status.   

After drill into work order, able to check job status. which is input by mechanic with just one clip. 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Audi S4 milky water

Audi S4 owner complaining keep top up coolant then we proceed for pressure test and found pressure & coolant keep dropping and couldn't find any water leakage, this is a bad sign....You might ask where is all the coolant gone?

Monday, 3 February 2014

Aftermarket diagnostic tool for Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat.

This product been around for few years, It is for VW/Audi/Skoda and Seat, their software layer similar as VAS. let's look at the structure, on the left it build with one joystick and two buttons, joystick is to control up, down, left, right. Green button is for "enter", yellow is "back" button and it come with touch screen. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

BMW transmission clutch plate burned

I think we always hear about clutch burned from surrounding friends but how does it look like?

Sunday, 19 January 2014

BMW N20 vacuum pump failure

Some magazine rated this BMW N20 engine in high mark on new tech, improvement from several point  of view, this give good reputation for the public. But recent recall turmoil consumer confident.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Replace W212 DME

Today replaced W212 DME requested by one of the workshop, the implementation was just simple as it.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Did your S-Class hit 260KM per hour?

I am on 260km/h..... don't get me wrong, actually I am not travel that fast.